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A member registered May 14, 2022

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

thank you. i got it to work

Do you have any plans on making a Android build?

I'm on Mobile and I tried downloading through joiplay but I'm having trouble figuring it out

Does anyone know what I'm supposed to say to the minotaur guard in the casum

How do I extract it?

im on a cromebook which one do i download

What does the wario pill do

What do i do after i get the Rosetta stone

How do I get Deans good end

Is there a way to date the saber toothed tiger whatever tf his name is

How do I find the Alcamists cabin

(1 edit)

When I try to update it It says app not installed as package conflicts with an existing package also I'm on Android if it helps

How do I get to the alcamist cabin

Never mind I found it

I can't get farther than the lagoon

I don't see any arrows on the map

I finished oles quest at the beginning of the game how do I get out of the village

I have finished them all

I finished all the quests but ole says i still have to finish them

I finished them all but ole still says I have to finish them

How do I do you know what with alen

How do I make a loincloth for rahim

What am I supposed to do to finish my training for ole at the beginning of the game

Is there a way for tatsuki to not die

How do you get the loin cloth for Rahim

Are you going to make a version for android

(1 edit)


Does anyone know how to get the good ending on anders route?